Fiber Glass

Fiber Glass Insulation is one of the most widely used forms of insulation world-wide because of its thermal and acoustic insulation properties, light weight, high tensile strength and exceptional resilience. Glass wool is the most dominant type of insulation used in applications with service temperatures between -50oC to and250oC, with a world-wide market size of approx. US $7 billion.
Fiber Glass consist of fine, long, inorganic fibers bonded together by high temperature binder. There fibers (each of approx. 6 - 7 microns diameters) are distributed in such a way as to trap millions of tiny pockets of air in the product, thereby creating its excellent thermal and acoustic insulation properties. The product is light gold in color and its superior tensile strength and resilience makes the product ideal for applications in which there will be vibration, jolting or high compression. The light weight and handle ability of Glass wool also offers significant advantages during transport and installation. In addition, Glass wool is chemically inert and has no impurities such as iron shots, sculpture and chloride. The product is non-corrosive to metal and does not support mold grow.